你的才华 (Your talents)

书章(Book chapter),文章(Articles),飞跃手册(Flying Brochure)

Posted by Zheyu Zhang on August 3, 2020


你的才华(Your talent)

书章(Book Chapter)

  1. Z. Zhang, F. Wang, R. Chen, and H. Gui, “Chapter 6 ― Cryogenic Power Electronics,” for an edited book entitled “Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion,” Cambridge University Press, 2020



  1. H. Gui, J. Sun and L. M. Tolbert, “Charge Pump Gate Drive to Reduce Turn-on Switching Loss of SiC MOSFETs,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2993947.
  2. H. Gui, R. Chen, Z. Zhang, J. Niu, L. Tolbert, F. Wang, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, and B, Choi, “Methodology of Low Inductance Busbar Design for Three-Level Converters,” in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2020.2999403.
  3. H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, L. Tolbert, F. Wang, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, and B. Choi, “Gate Drive Technology Evaluation and Development to Maximize Switching Speed of SiC Discrete Devices and Power Modules in Hard Switching Applications,” in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2937855.
  4. Y. Yan, H. Gui and H. Bai, “Complete ZVS Analysis in Dual-Active-Bridge,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3011470.
  5. H. Gui, R. Rui, Z. Zhang, J. Niu, R. Ren, B. Liu, L. M. Tolbert, F. Wang, D. J. Costinett, B. J. Blalock, and Benjamin Choi, “Modeling and Mitigation of Multiloops Related Device Overvoltage in Three-Level Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 7947-7959, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2962621.
  6. H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, R. Ren, J. Niu, H. Li, Z. Dong, C. Timms, F. Wang, L. M. Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, D. J. Costinett, and Benjamin Choi, “Development of High-Power High Switching Frequency Cryogenically Cooled Inverter for Aircraft Applications,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 5670-5682, June 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2949711.
  7. H. Gui, R. Chen, J. Niu, Z. Zhang, L. Tolbert, F. Wang, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, and B. Choi, “Review of Power Electronics Components at Cryogenic Temperatures,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 5144-5156, May 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2944781.
  8. R. Chen, J. Nui, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, and B. Choi, “Modeling, Analysis, and Reduction of Harmonics in Paralleled and Interleaved Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverters With Space Vector Modulation,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 4411-4425, April 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2939727.
  9. R. Ren, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, and B. Choi, “Characterization and Failure Analysis of 650-V Enhancement-Mode GaN HEMT for Cryogenically Cooled Power Electronics,” in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 66-76, March 2020, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2949953.
  10. B. Liu R. Ren, E. Jones, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, F. Wang, and D. Costinett, “Effects of Junction Capacitances and Commutation Loops Associated With Line-Frequency Devices in Three-Level AC/DC Converters,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 6155-6170, July 2019, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2876610.
  11. Z. Zhang, H. Gui, D. Gu, Y. Yang and X. Ren, “A Hierarchical Active Balancing Architecture for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 2757-2768, April 2017, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2575844.


  1. H. Gui, J. A. Jones and L. M. Tolbert, “Charge Pump Gate Drive to Improve Turn-on Switching Speed of SiC MOSFETs,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2020, pp. 1829-1836.
  2. F. Wang, R. Chen, H. Gui, J. Niu, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, S. Liu, J. Hull, J. Williams, T. Messer, E. Solodvonik, D. Paschedag, V, Khozikov, C. Severns, and B. Choi, “MW-Class Cryogenically-Cooled Inverter for Electric-Aircraft Applications,” in AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, 2019, pp. 1-9.
  3. R. Chen, J. Niu, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, L. M. Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, D. J. Costinett, B. B. Choi, “Harmonic analysis of common-mode reduction modulation for three-level inverter,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2019, pp. 2286-2293.
  4. H. Gui, R. Chen, J. Niu, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, and B. Choi, “Design of low inductance busbar for 500 kVA three-level ANPC converter,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2019, pp. 7130-7137.
  5. R. Chen, J. Niu, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, L. M. Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, D. J. Costinett, B. B. Choi, “Investigation of fourth-leg for common-mode noise reduction in three-level active neutral point camped inverter fed motor drive,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2019, pp. 2582-2588.
  6. R. Chen, J. Niu, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, L. M. Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, D. J. Costinett, B. B. Choi, “Coupled inductor design for interleaved three-level active neutral point clamped inverters considering EMI noise reduction,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2019, pp. 257-264.
  7. R. Chen, J. Niu, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, L. M. Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, D. J. Costinett, B. B. Choi, “Analytical analysis of AC and DC side harmonics of three-level active neutral point clamped inverter with space vector modulation,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2019, pp. 112-119.
  8. J. Niu, R. Chen, Z. Zhang, H. Gui, F. Wang, L. M. Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, D. J. Costinett and B. B. Choi, “Analysis of circulating harmonic currents in paralleled three level ANPC inverters using SVM,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2019, pp. 2481-2487.
  9. J. Niu, R. Chen, Z. Zhang, H. Gui, F. Wang, L. M. Tolbert, B. J. Blalock, D. J. Costinett and B. B. Choi, “Design of a single controller for multiple paralleled inverters,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2019, pp. 2524-2530.
  10. H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, L M. Tolbert, F. Wang, B J. Blalock, D J. Costinett, and B B. Choi, “Current source gate drive to reduce switching loss for SiC MOSFETs,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2019, pp. 972-978.
  11. H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, L M. Tolbert, F. Wang, B J. Blalock, D J. Costinett, and B B. Choi, “A simple control to reduce the voltage stress of non-conducting switches in three-level ANPC converter,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2019, pp. 1337-1343.
  12. R. Chen, J. Niu, Z. Zhang, H. Gui, R. Ren, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Zero sequence circulating current analysis and reduction in paralleled three-level active neutral point clamped inverters,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, pp. 3024-3031.
  13. R. Chen, Z. Dong, Z. Zhang, H. Gui, J. Niu, R. Ren, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Core characterization and inductor design investigation at low temperature,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, pp. 4218-4225.
  14. R. Ren, Z. Zhang, H. Gui, R. Chen, J. Niu, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Multi-commutation loop induced over-voltage in high frequency and switching speed three-level active neutral point clamped phase leg,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, pp. 1328-1333.
  15. R. Ren, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Characterization of 650 V enhancement GaN HEMT under cryogenic temperature,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, pp. 891-897.
  16. H. Gui, R. Ren, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, B. Blalock, D. Costinett, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Characterization of the state-of-the-art 1.2 kV SiC power MOSFETs at cryogenic temperatures,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, 7010-7015.
  17. H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Ren, R. Chen, J. Niu, L. Tolbert, F. Wang, B. Blalock, D. Costinett, B. Choi and G. Brown, “SiC MOSFET versus CoolMOS - switching loss comparison in different switching cell configurations,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, 6146-6151.
  18. R. Ren, Z. Zhang, H. Gui, R. Chen, J. Niu, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Multi-commutation loop induced over-voltage in high frequency and switching speed three-level active neutral point clamped phase leg,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, pp. 1328-1333.
  19. R. Ren, H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Characterization of 650 V enhancement GaN HEMT under cryogenic temperature,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, pp. 891-897.
  20. H. Gui, R. Ren, Z. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Niu, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, B. Blalock, D. Costinett, B. Choi and G. Brown, “Characterization of the state-of-the-art 1.2 kV SiC power MOSFETs at cryogenic temperatures,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, 7010-7015.
  21. H. Gui, Z. Zhang, R. Ren, R. Chen, J. Niu, L. Tolbert, F. Wang, B. Blalock, D. Costinett, B. Choi and G. Brown, “SiC MOSFET versus CoolMOS - switching loss comparison in different switching cell configurations,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sept. 2018, 6146-6151.
  22. Z. Zhang, H. Gui, R. Chen, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, and B. Blalock, “Characterization of wide bandgap device for cryogenically-cooled power electronics in aircraft applications,” in AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, July 2018.
  23. Z. Zhang, H. Gui, J. Niu, R. Chen, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, B. Blalock, “High precision gate signal timing control based active voltage balancing scheme for series-connected fast switching field-effect transistors,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2018, pp. 925-930.
  24. R. Chen, Z. Zhang, R. Ren, J. Niu, H. Gui, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, and B. Blalock, “Common mode noise reduction with impedance balancing in DC-fed motor drives,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2018, pp. 2515 – 2520.
  25. R. Chen, Z. Zhang, R. Ren, J. Niu, H. Gui, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, D. Costinett, and B. Blalock, “Common mode inductor saturation analysis and design optimization based on spectrum concept,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 2018, pp. 2583 – 2588.

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